Press pavilion with complex geometry for Ouishare
The WeCo method for gentle slum resorption
Digital manufacturing and participative worksite
Participatory Budget Workshops at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal
Using a machine to look at the evolving city
A collective kitchen for 15bis rue Saint-Antoine
A sanitary unit for #15BIS
2014, Durban, Workshop, Landscape, Urban Development
2014, Saint-Ouen, Architecture, Construction, Workshop
A sound workshop to talk about the future of the city
2013, Montreuil, Construction, Workshop, Participation
2013, Montreuil, Construction, Participation, Workshop
Textured triangles for large mobile huts
Explaining the major ANRU renovation of the Bel-Air district
Europan 13, a participatory approach
Enjamber les murs pour voir le paysage autrement
Workshops to discuss a neighbourhood's future
Transforming a vacant tertiary space into housing for young ...
Opening up a space for communal use, spreading awareness