Nomadic Triangles
TYPE Installation
STATUS Completed
DATE 2012 > 2013
LOCATION Montreuil
FUNDERS École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Belleville, Ville de Montreuil
PARTNERS Fédération Des Murs À Pêches, ENSAPB, Compagnie les Treizièmes, OuiShare
Quatorze has been working in the Murs à Pêches neighbourhood since 2012 in partnership with the Fédération des Murs à Pêches, the organization that petitioned for the heritage classification of the site.
In partnership with ENSA Paris-Belleville, and more specifically Ludovik Bost, head of the school’s construction department, and the Fédération des Murs à Pêches, Quatorze led co-design and co-construction workshops involving students from the ENSAPB and members of the Federation. These workshops made it possible to create shelters for the annual event organized by the Federation: the Festival des Murs à Pêches. Triangular modules were created during a construction workshop supervised by Ludovik Bost and the members of Quatorze at the ENSAPB. Since the 2013 edition, festival goers have continued to enjoy the triangular modules every year in May.