Passerelles ‘Footbridges’

TYPE Installation

DATE 2012

STATUS Completed

LOCATION Murs-à Pèches, Montreuil

FUNDERS École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Belleville (Paris-Belleville Architecture School)

PARTNERS Ville de Montreuil (City of Montreuil)



The Murs-à Pèches is an example of Montreuil’s know-how in horticulture and arboriculture. These “peach walls” were established in the 17th century and represent a rich heritage and wildland within Montreuil. Travellers, cultural associations, and amateur gardeners alike have all invested in this area which is still unknown to many.

The Passerelle, or the footbridge project is based on the vision of alternative landscape architect Gilles Clément: the poetry of the area can only be understood by taking it to the next level. In partnership with Ludovik Bost and the City of Montreuil, two wooden structures were built with students from ENSA Paris-Belleville, to offer new perspectives to the curious wanderers of the Murs-à Pèches.

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