Le Grand Barouf Numérique
TYPE Scenography
STATUS Completed
DATE September 2016 > January 2017
LOCATION Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie, Lille (Lille Chamber of Commerce)
PARTNERS OuiShare, Métropole Européenne de Lille, Pop
FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS Métropole Européenne de Lille (City of Lille)
On March 9-10 2017, the Lille European Metropolis and OuiShare organised the Grand Barouf Numérique festival at the Lille Chamber of Commerce. The event created a space for debate and collaboration, and allowed participants to experiment with new models of relations between public and private actors, and citizens, in the age of the digital society. Quatorze was in charge of the scenography for the event and thus created a geodesic wooden dome which was fourteen meters in diameter and designed from open source plans. The dome hosted an exhibition, consisting of suspended printed curtains, and spaces for discussion.