TYPE Territorial development – temporary occupation

STATUS Completed

DATE January  > March 2018

LOCATION Alfortville

PARTNERS Artyard, Ville d’Alfortville

FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS Novaxia-Nexicity, Ville d’Alfortville, AMI Urbanisme transitoire Région Ile-de-France




A Pace of Possibilities

The Babeuf is in Alfortville located inside of a hall with an impressive wooden structure. Quatorze conducted a study in order to propose new life to the building. It was imagined as an alternative space to function as an outdoor social network for the general public. The project was conceived as a new gathering point for the Alfortville community scene, focusing on conviviality and recreation. It would offer neighbourhood associations a warm and open space for their summer events.

Inside of the space would be the reception, kitchen, walkways and coworking areas. In the wooded areas outdoors, there would be barbecues, water games, benches, deckchairs and coffee tables, Mölki courts, ping pong tables and basketball nets.

The space sought to create a playful and relaxing atmosphere for its visitors. Diverse programming such as educational activities, street art, and companies in residence would allow Le Babeuf to become a space for cultural exchanges amongst diverse populations in the region.

Axonométrie du site, état existant ©Quatorze, 2018
Le site du Babeuf en novembre 2017 ©Quatorze
Localisation du Babeuf à proximité de la gare de RER Maisons-Alfort Alfortville
Axonométrie du projet d'occupation "à plein" mis en place progressivement ©Quatorze, 2018
Planning fictif d'événements ouverts aux publics


Licence Creative Commons Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

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