

TYPE Installation

STATUS Completed

DATE  July 2016

LOCATION Parc de la Bergère, Bobigny



For the 10th anniversary of Superstock Festival, Bellastock decided to create a new concept for the event. The goal was to collaborate with different collectives in the Superville network to contribute to the notion of sustainable development in the region. Over the span of two weeks, Quatorze set up installations in the Parc de la Bergère in collaboration with the Saga collective.

The second part of the festival was dedicated to accompanying participants during the creation of other installations for local residents. Quatorze and Saga constructed metaphorical installations on the site known as la plage, or ‘the beach’ to reinforce the theme and recreate a link with the canal. The two collectives sought to tell a story inspired by this theme by immersing participants in this imagined world. At the top of a hill, the 4-meter high bench was built as the captain’s office to keep an eye on the canal. To recreate a direct link with the water, Quatorze created a barge supported by plastic beer barrels under pressure, allowing it to float. It was called the baignoire autorisée or  ‘authorized bathtub’, which allowed festival-goers and locals to enjoy the water without having to dive into the canal. The participants elaborated upon these installations with picnic areas in the shape of beach cabins and with decks spread out on the lawn like beach towels.


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