Sound Quiz

TYPE Animation, informative workshop

STATUS Completed

DATE June 2014

LOCATION Town Festival, Montreau Park then Montreuil Town Hall

FINANCERS Montreuil Town Hall

PARTNERS François Tariq Sardi, sound artist, composer


Present & future atmospheres on the occasion of the City Festival

Sound allows you to discover the city in a different way, to connect parts of the city that are sometimes very far apart but have common features in terms of sound atmospheres. Based on recordings made in various places, the participants were invited to draw up a sound map of the Hauts-de-Montreuil. First by characterizing the sounds presented, then by situating them on the model: what place does it remind them of?

Licence Creative Commons Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

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