TYPE Research-action

DATE 2019-2021

STATUS Ongoing

LOCATION France, Spain, Italy

PARTNERS ACINA, Finacoop, Fondation Emplea, Zalab





Millions of Europeans currently experience social exclusion and have limited access to the labour market. Social and spatial exclusion often go hand in hand, the latter taking the form of marginalized precarious neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods are characterised by a severely deteriorated built environment offering little comfort and, in the most serious cases, dangerous or unhealthy living conditions.


This Erasmus + strategic partnership focuses on the notion of social inclusion and its links with urban deprivation. As a result, the project addresses three specific needs:

1/ Structuring and legitimizing participatory methods,

2/ Gathering methodological references for third sector and citizen organizations,

3/ Fostering multidisciplinary approaches.


The main objectives of the project are :

> To define the components of good practices of participatory processes in situations of urban precariousness,

> Define participatory methodologies that promote social inclusion in areas of urban precariousness,

> Analyze case studies of methods used by third sector organizations,

> Define the key competences to implement local development projects promoting social inclusion,

> Promote a transdisciplinary pedagogical approach through participatory actions.


The Erasmus+ project is structured around meetings between the various French, Spanish, and Italian partners. In concrete terms, it involves organising six international events, two short training courses (workshops) and a closing event.

The final deliverable will be a booklet produced by the partners. It will define participatory methods promoting social inclusion in precarious neighbourhoods by showing the processes, skills, and tools mobilised by the project leaders. The team will highlight the transdisciplinary dimension and seek to spark discussion amongst the wider public.


The impacts targeted by this action-research project are as follows:

> Increasing the involvement of civil society, the civic sector, and the public and private sectors in participatory initiatives,

> Increasing the capacity for analysis and expertise in areas of urban precariousness in Europe, both on built issues and social assistance,

> Participating in knowledge-building for participatory tools as a form of non-formal (introduction) or formal education.


The Participatory Actions for Social Inclusion project (PASI) brings together five organisations working in different disciplines in three European countries:

> Quatorze (France), leader, expert on architectural and urban planning issues for slum resorption projects,

> The Emplea Foundation (Spain), specialist on professional integration,

> Acina (France), works on the social follow-up for people in precarious situations,

> Finacoop (France), skilled in questions related to the social and solidarity-based economy,

> ZaLab (Italy), expert in participatory film storytelling.


Licence Creative Commons Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

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