15BIS# Nine Urban Biotopes
TYPE Local development
STATUS Completed
DATE September 2013 > September 2014
LOCATION Murs-à-Pêches, Hauts-de-Montreuil
PARTNERS Urban Dialogues, Ecodrom, (CUCR) GoldSmith University
FUNDERS Fondation Abbé Pierre, Fond Culturel UE, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB), École Nationale
Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-La Villette (ENSAPLV)
Quatorze was involved in the Nine Urban Biotopes project, which was a European programme based on
socially engaged and participatory art projects in different urban settings across Europe and South Africa.
With cooperation from the City of Montreuil and the Ecodrom association, an 800m2 plot of land was
secured for the creation of an experimental lab. The team mobilized the Roma community living in this
neighbourhood, architecture students from ENSA-Paris Belleville and Paris-La Villette, as well as students
from HEC. The objective was to create a third space, bringing this diverse set of actors together as creators
and developers of their own environment. All actors came together to work toward a common goal whilst
sharing different perspectives. Through a participatory and collaborative approach, several actions were
carried out: the onsite installation of a prefabricated Mobile Workshop at ENSA Paris-Belleville; the design
and prefabrication of sanitary-showers by students from ENSA Paris-Belleville and ENSA Paris-La Villette;
the installation of sanitary-showers with HEC students as part of the ‘Building Weekend’ the organization of
a semester of reflection on shantytowns, with the ENSAPB studio ‘Architecture in the time of disruption’
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